Register Now for 2017!

Acadia Center students on excursion in Belfast, Maine.


Give yourself a treat! Sign up now for a 2017 English immersion course at Acadia Center in Camden, Maine, USA. New English immersion courses begin every Monday from April 17 through November 18.

If you want to speak and understand English with confidence and communicate about business and personal topics with ease, it’s time to invest in your future and enroll in one of our intensive English courses.

“The progress is very good,” says Steve, a real estate developer from Montreal, “because you are constantly speaking during the day with the teachers or with the host families during dinner.”

“The English lessons were all fantastic,” says Milton, a telecom executive from Argentina. “In particular, I want to mention the variety in background, personality, and teaching style of each professor. This characteristic enriched the classes and made me feel engaged and interested in all the classes.”



Thanks for your interest, Leonardo – we sent you information about our English immersion courses starting in April.

leonardo peynado

could you send me a brochure about your inmersion english programas? many thanks

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